Map Of Waterdeep

In the ProFantasy map Library you can find a Sword Coast map. Some maps from the FR Atlas and some that didn't get into it and the 3 update/patch files for it are in it as well. The updates fixed/updated maps and added over 300 more ones to the Atlas.
Some other keyed D&D maps were done for the AD&D Core rules 2.0 & Expansion software. They had among the official free downloads a city, not Waterdeep, that was detailed fully along with a download of custom character portraits and a portrait maker program. The city/area around was going to have another update of stuff that never got released. The character portraits will work in FG and the AD&D2e ruleset thread has some info on export stuff from the Core 2.0 rules to a FG .mod. A bunch of fan made and keyed stuff was done. So you may find a fan version of some stuff for Waterdeep and other FR locations done that you can export into a .mod for the 2e russet which may be of help.
Originally Posted by jrh18

May 28, 2019 Maps showing the metropolis of waterdeep. Interactive map of waterdeep. Us federal judge william pauley in manhattan sentenced cohen to 36 months in prison for unlawfully paying money for silence which was a violation of campaign finance laws and two months for giving false testimony before the congress. Waterdeep is a stable and generally peaceful city, where the rule of law is enforced by a huge and well-equipped watch further backed up by some of the most powerful personalities in the Realms. Still, there are parts of Waterdeep that can be dangerous for the unwary, and the rough-and-tumble Dock Ward is one of those parts.

I finally got around to publishing a Waterdeep Module on DMs Guild (
The Waterdeep Fantasy Grounds Module includes the following:
  • 14 Maps of Waterdeep (Based on Elven Tower's Waterdeep Map) used to categorize locations with pins on the map including one map for your campaign.
  • Support for the Waterdeep Dragon Heist Fantasy Ground Module adding 429 location pins to the Waterdeep DM maps
  • 429 Locations separated by ward and type (city buildings, festhalls, inns, noble villas, residences, shops, taverns, temples and wizard towers)
  • 43 Guilds with guild leader and notable guild members
  • 75 Noble Families with patriarchs, consorts, heirs, holdings, income and trade interests
  • 299 NPCs including, noble family members, fences, shop, tavern and inn owners all with stats converted to 5e or generated from scratch
  • 28 Color Noble Family Crests (more to come)
  • 9 Custom battle maps of generic buildings in Waterdeep using Forgotten Adventures map assets
  • 1 Battle map of Noble villas (more to come)
  • 3 Fantasy Ground Decals
I might have been the first to purchase this at like 9am pst this morning, but it's xmas eve and ive only had a chance to take a cursory look so far and i say I'm extremely excited to use this.

Map Of Waterdeep High Res

My only comment right now would be, while i understand WHY you elected to go the route you did (because I've been, here on the thread during discussions) but i really wish there was a single map (per ward) with all the locations, i can't just list off what locations are around a specific location when the PCs ask 'Whats around us' or as the PCs walk down the street, without opening a minimum of 5 maps.
MapAgain, i get the reason why, there's no other way really to find 'all taverns/bars' or 'all feasthalls/inns' . i hope in FGU SmiteWorks will consider adding the ability to have a variety of colors for the map pins/links that you can associate to specific custom tags/labels within the location entries.

Forgotten Realms Interactive Map

Forgotten realms mapA single ward map just makes more sense with the way my brain thinks.
That said, from what I've been able to look at in this module so far it is absolutely epic! Well done!