The Sims game is a very interesting one to play, this article is going to list out some of the mods which you can use to enjoy and update your game. Most times keeping track of mods that are working is something hard to do because some mods haven’t been tended to in years, sometimes the main game updates break them or add extra features that make the mods obsolete.
The Sims 4 Pregnancy Mega Mod
Sims 4 mega pregnancy mod comes with a lot of features like same-sex pregnancy, change pregnancy events, choose the gender, Control Pregnancy length and have quadruplets, quintuplets, and sextuples babies. You can also have a miscarriage, and terminate pregnancy anytime. This is a script mod, meaning it will conflict with other same genre mod. Hi i’m LittleMsSam and i love to mod the Sims 4. I already made over 200 Mods (Incl. Random Small Mod Collection Mods) from smaller Tuning Mods to bigger new Gameplay Mods. All Mods are checked for the latest Patch: 1.63.136 If you need help or want to leave Feedback, feel free to join my Discord: I hope you enjoy.
- Pregnancy
- Auto-save
- Enable or disable Auto Save with Enable or Disable Auto-save menu. Default value is: 0 (switched off).
- Set period between auto-saves - Period between Auto Saves. Default value is: 1
- Period between auto-save is counted in - it can be Real Hour, Sim Day, Sim Hour, Sim Minute. For example, if you entered value 2 in menu Set period between auto-saves and selected Sim Hour in menu Period between auto-save is counted in, Auto Save will be triggered every 2 Sim Hours :)! Default value is: Sim Hour.
- If you want, you can limit count of Auto Saves, that are will be rotated every Auto Save. You can do it in menu Maximum Auto-Save slot Number. Default value is 3 slot counts for auto save.
- Does confirmation dialog should be show before auto save? You can define it in menu Show confirmation dialog before auto save.
- Super speed. Just press Num 3 twicelly!
- Pregnancy functional:
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Pregnancy
- Embedded functional:
- Modified Bed WooHoo - now it will give 11% chance of your sim will be pregnant - like in real life (yep, scientists counted it too and it's about 11% chance in real life). Same-sex couples are supported too :) !
- PMM provides a 'Miscarriage' functional:
- Now with this new function, it brings you the chance to have a miscarriage throughout the whole pregnancy. This is controlled by the option 'Miscarriage risk'. All children from miscarriage (during the whole period and at the home/or hospital) and stillborn children will be shown in the Family Tree and can also be named.How it works:
1) You set the miscarry/stillborn chance percentage in the 'Miscarriage Risk' function. If not, the default chance will be 50% of pregnancy ending in miscarry/stillborn.
2) At each period of pregnancy, there will be miscarriage chance, described above. For example, if the chance percentage was set at 20%. So, in this case, out of 100 pregnancies, 20 of them end in miscarriage.
3) At the end of pregnancy period, stillborn chance percentage (described in paragraph 1) will be calculated. So, if you set 20%, there will be a 20% chance it resulting in stillbirth at the end of each pregnancy. - For Bassinets
- For Hospital (Single)
- Now you will see in sims Genealogy Tree stillborn children after miscarriages.
- Functional to name stillborn children
- “Loss of Child” moodlet with a 15+ sadness for both mother and father (even if they are not together; if either parents have the trait “Hates Children” then they should receive a “Relieved” moodlet with a 5+ happiness.
- It also provides extends pregnancy functional up to Quadruplets, Quintuplets and Sextuplets !
- ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod provides you Teen pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional and a lot of Teens functional!Your teens will be able to have woohoo and Try for baby on:
- Bed
- Tent
- Rocket
- Telescope
- ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod also provides you Same Sex pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional functional! Your same-sex couples will be able to do Woohoo and they also will be able to have children! Toilet Take pregnancy tet option is also available to use for same-sex couples.
- Options:
- Change MONOZYGOTIC OFFSPRING CHANCE For Sim - option, that allow to change percent of chance, that your multiplets children will be identical.
- Set Gender Preference
- Male - Likes Males, Dislikes Females
- Female - Likes Females, Dislikes Males
- Both - Likes Both Genders
- Nobody - Likes No Genders
- 20% Male - Likes Males, 20%
- 40% Male - Likes Males, 40%
- 60% Male - Likes Males, 60%
- 80% Male - Likes Males, 80%
- 20% Female - Likes Females, 20%
- 40% Female - Likes Females, 40%
- 60% Female - Likes Females, 60%
- 80% Female - Likes Females, 80%
- Pause pregnancy for active sim.
- Pause pregnancy for all sims in the game.
- Show sims that will not offspring
- Mark sim as will not offspring
- Remove mark from sim as will not offspring
- Show sims that could only be impregnated
- Mark sim as could only be impregnated
- Remove mark from sim as could only be impregnated
- Show sims that are could only impregnate
- Mark sim as could only impregnate
- Remove mark from sim as could only impregnate
- About - Shows mod version - it will show version of Pregnancy Mega Mod, installed on your PC.
- Miscarriage risk - allows you to choose miscarriage risk chance, in percents
- Set Stage section:
- Begin Labor - will start Labor - let the baby go out!
- First Trimester - will be set First Trimester of the pregnancy - longest pregnancy time, about ¾ of possible time.
- Second Trimester - will be set Second Trimester of the pregnancy - faster pregnancy time, about 2/4 of possible time.
- Third Trimester - will be set Third Trimester of the pregnancy - fastest pregnancy time, about ¼ of possible time.
- Not Showing
- Open plugins page (site).
- Pregnancy duration - this option allows you to control pregnancy duration in in-game days. Now it saves pregnancy duration, changed by you, to each sim. It's means, that you don't have to change pregnancy duration at each pregnancy start. It will remember preg duration for you and will use saved value at each pregnancy, for each sim. Please, keep in mind, that you change pregnancy for each exact sim, not for all sim in your game ;) !
- Try For Baby - Click on any other sim with age >=YOUNG ADULT and select this menu. Will be executed Try For Baby interaction, selected target sim will be impregnated with 80% chance, current active sim will be impregnator.
- All Other Functional:
- Don't Add Stillborns to the family tree / Add Stillborns to the family tree - a new option that will allow you to add stillborns to the family tree - or not to add.
- Terminate - stops the pregnancy.
- Scan - shows info about children, that are will be born.
- Show all pregnant sims - will show list of pregnant sims.
- Set Stage (for selected pregnant sim) - With this option you will be able to change Stage for any of all pregnant sims in the game.
- Fix bugged pregnant sims - this option applies some cleanup and fixes for your pregnant sim. Try to use this option, if your sim was bugged.
- Impregnate any sim by any other sim - Allows you to impregnate your sims
- Impregnate current sim
- Show who are parents - will show you parents of sim.
- Turn off the stillborns - With this option you case disable miscarriages and stillborn.
- Option for turning off notifications for sims giving birth...
- Set Offspring - allows you to set count of children, that are will be born:
- Random - random count of children with random genders
- One Child - Boy
- One Child - Girl
- One Child - Random - one child with random gender
- Twins - 2 Boys
- Twins - 2 Girls
- Twins - 1 Girl, 1 Boy
- Twins - Random - twins with random genders
- Triplets - 3 Girls
- Triplets - 3 Boys
- Triplets - 1 Girl, 2 Boy
- Triplets - 2 Girls, 1 Boy
- Triplets - Random - triplets with random genders
- Quadruplets - 4 Girls
- Quadruplets - 4 Boys
- Quadruplets - 1 Girl, 3 Boys
- Quadruplets - 2 Girls, 2 Boys
- Quadruplets - 3 Girls, 1 Boy
- Quadruplets - Random - quadruplets with random genders
- Quintuplets - 5 Girls
- Quintuplets - 5 Boys
- Quintuplets - 1 Girl, 4 Boys
- Quintuplets - 2 Girls, 3 Boys
- Quintuplets - 3 Girls, 2 Boys
- Quintuplets - 4 Girls, 1 Boy
- Quintuplets - Random- quintuplets with random genders
- Sextuplets - 1 Girl, 5 Boys
- Sextuplets - 2 Girls, 4 Boys
- Sextuplets - 3 Girls, 3 Boys
- Sextuplets - 4 Girls, 2 Boys
- Sextuplets - 5 Girls, 1 Boy
- Sextuplets - 6 Girls
- Sextuplets - 6 Boys
- Sextuplets - Random- Sextuplets with random genders
- Veterinar
- Increase points
- Height sliders - a new sliders in CAS sim edit mode - height sliders - Tall and Short (slider is on neck). With this sliders in CAS you can modify your sims height!
- Edit active sim in CAS, in edit Full Edit Mode
- Body
- Height
- Tall. This option allows you to make your sims taller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard height) to 100 (the most taller sims height).
- Short. This option allows you to make your sims smaller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard height) to 100 (the most smaller sims height).
- Height
- Neck
- Short. This option allows you to make your sim's neck smaller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard neck height) to 100 (the most smaller sim's neck height ).
- Tall. This option allows you to make your sim's neck smaller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard neck height) to 100 (the most taller sim's neck height ).
- Set walk style for sim. This option will allow you to change walt style of selected sim :) .
- Set Sim Voice - With this option you will be to change voice type for your sims!
- Set Voice Pitch- this option allows you to change voice pitch of your sim :).
- Copy / paste
- Copy face - with this option you will be able to copy faces from one sim to each other :)!
- Copy body physique - with this option you will be able to copy bodies from one sim to each other
- Copy genetic - with this option you will be able to copy genetics from one sim to each other
- Copy skin tone
- Copy voice pitch
- Copy voice type
- Copy First name
- Copy Last name
- Copy First and Last name
- Copy Gender Options (Traits)
- Copy Traits
- Copy Clothing
- Copy Whole Sim (clone sim) - this option allows you to apply all above functions, in other words, to clone your sims :))))
- Сменить черты характера... (possible English translation could be something like 'Change character traits')
- Population
- Enable (or Disable) Move Out Elders To Retirement Homes. In non-active households, move-out elders if possible without leaving dependents alone in the house. We create a new household for the elders, a 'retirement' home, as it were. If it fills up before they pass on, others will be used for additional elders.
- Buffs:
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Buffs
- Options:
- Add Buffs - Add any Buff, existsing in the game, to you sim! :)
- Remove all Buffs and Moodlets from sim - Yep, it brings to you ability to delete them from your active sim ))).
- Change time period for auto switching between pregnancy moods - an option to change time period between auto switching between pregnancy moods.
- Switch on/off auto change of pregnancy moods - an option to switch off pregnancy moods auto change.
- Add pregnancy moods:
- Angry pregnancy Mood
- Sad pregnancy Mood
- Embarrassed pregnancy Mood
- Uncomfortable pregnancy Mood
- Happy pregnancy Mood
- Embedded functional:
- Now all Happy moodlets will be removed after miscarriage
- Implemented a system like the pregnancy moods for the partners of the pregnant sim as well.
- There is a functional, that will change Pregnancy Moods automatically and randomly for pregnant sims ( ) . Currently, this functional will randomly add to your sims:
- Angry pregnancy Mood
- Sad pregnancy Mood
- Embarrassed pregnancy Mood
- Uncomfortable pregnancy Mood
- Happy pregnancy Mood
- Cheats
- Option that will allow you to switch on/off of enabling at game start of cheat TestingCheats Always On
- Option that will allow you to switch on/off of enabling at game start of cheat FreeBuild Always On
- Change Careers
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Change Careers
- Options:
- Change Careers This option allows you to select and add 'multiple' careers and careers level to sim.
- Select Career that you want switch to. Yes, with this option brings you ability to change careers, when you want ;) !
- Change career outfit in CAS
- Change Adult Employment Range - Minimum and Maximum percent ranges of Adult employment in your world. Values are separated by a comma.
- Change Young Adult Employment Range - Minimum and Maximum percent ranges of Young Adult employment in your world. Values are separated by a comma.
- Change Elder Employment Range - Minimum and Maximum percent ranges of Elder employment in your world. Values are separated by a comma.
- Change Teen Employment Range - Minimum and Maximum precent ranges of Teen employment in your world. Values are separated by a comma.
- Freeze career for current sim.
- ChangeCareers-Remove Freeze career Flag from current sim - shows only if current sim is already flagged with 'Freeze Career Flag'.
- Remove Freeze career Flag from sims.
- ArtUrlWWW-ChangeCareers-Freeze careers for multiple sims.
- Enable/Disable Teen Can Quit School. If these settings are enabled, a new option will be available in Sim Commands when clicking on a child Active Sim to allow them to Quit School. Note that the 'Resume School' command also in the Sims menu on those same children are the only way for the children to go back to school. Also note that if a child resumes school, they will be at a low grade-point and will have to work their way back-up to whatever their grade was previously.Whenever this setting is enabled, Children cannot go to scouts and stay in school. To quit school, it must become a job that can be quit. Sims 4 does not allow more than one job at a time so it has to be school or scouts, both of which count as jobs.
- Enable/Disable Children Can Quit School. If these settings are enabled, a new option will be available in Sim Commands when clicking on a teen Active Sim to allow them to Quit School. Note that the 'Resume School' command also in the Sims menu on those same teens are the only way for the teen to go back to school. Also note that if a teen resumes school, they will be at a low grade-point and will have to work their way back-up to whatever their grade was previously. Whenever this setting is enabled, Teens cannot get a part-time job and stay in school. To quit school, it must become a job that can be quit. Sims 4 does not allow more than one job at a time so it has to be school or another job.
- No level degrade on career change! In original game process, when you change career and came back to that career after some time, minus one level will be set. Now there is no level degrade, change career when you want and don't care about career lvls!
- Now it's possible to save multiple carriers of sims and reload them after game reload.
- Club
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Club
- Options:
- Points Club - It will let you option to change Club Points
- Change Club size (More Club Members)
- Remove members from any club. - allows to remove sims (members) from any club, that are exist in the game.
- Add any sim to any club - allows to add sims (members) to any club, that are exist in the game.
- Enable/Disable Club_MonitorMembers. This option is similar to MCCC option Club_MonitorMembers. If enabled, periodically check clubs with open invites to determine if there are Sims in town eligible to fill the empty membership slots in those clubs. If there are, then the clubs are filled-up with eligible members (the text copied from MCCC site). Please, note, that this option could lag your game at only first run of this monitor iteration.
- Enable/Disable Club_BypassPlayedHouseholds. This option is similar to MCCC option Club_BypassPlayedHouseholds. When considering Sims for filling empty club membership, bypass any played Sim households rather than just the active household if this setting is enabled (the text copied from MCCC site).
- Club-Flag sim with SimNeverAutoClub. With this optioon you can select any sim to flag it with SimNeverAutoClub. Sims, flagged with SimNeverAutoClub will never be selected to processing in function Enable/Disable Club_MonitorMembers.
- Remove Flag SimNeverAutoClub from sims. With this optioon you can remove flag SimNeverAutoClub from sims.
- Added a new option that adds Gender Traits to Club. So, you can choose between female or male or both genders :).
- Vampires
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Vampires
- Options:
- Toggle Vampire/Human. With this option you can make your sim to vampire and back to human (if you want, of course :) ).
- Turn active sim into a ghost - Turn your sim into a playable ghost dead by the sun.
- Kill your vampire sim! Make them pay with the mighty sun rays!
- Gives your active sim the True Master reward trait.
- Gives active your sim The Master reward trait.
- Gives your active sim the Regained Humanity reward trait.
- Set both skills that come with Vampires pack. Pipe Organ and Vampire Lore. Select vamp.skill only to know the options available.
- Your vampire's energy bar will be depleted (Bewared for death if outside)
- Your vampire's energy bar will be maxed out.
- Turn your vampire sim into a Grand Master vampire.
- Turn your vampire sim into a Master vampire.
- Turn your vampire sim into a Prime vampire.
- Turn your vampire sim into a Minor vampire.
- Turn your active vampire sim into a Fledgling vampire.
- Max your rank to GrandMaster and adds 2 points each use.
- Reset all your weakness but keep the power perks intact.
- Reset all your vampire perk powers and give the points back.
- Bite active human sim and it should turn in a few days.
- Turn active Vampire sim instantly into a mortal.
- Change Skills
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Change Skills
- Options:
- Change Skills for adding skills and skills progress values for sim
- Switch update channel. With this option you can select, what update channel do you want to use: Patreon - for Patreon releases, or Public Free channel with free updates.
- Life Functional:
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Life
- Options:
- Add money to current household (to current sim) - Allows you to change current household budget.
- Change age of sim
- Delete sim (like sim never existed)
- Make sim homeless (evict sim)
- Kill current, selected, sim - Kill selected sim (use in wisely, it will kill your sim!)
- Revive sim - Allows to resurrect died sims. Will show you all died sims - just click on some sim in that list to easily resurrect it!
- Make sim happy (Set All Commodities To Max)
- Change Death Type of dead sims. This option gives you functional to select dead sims and to change death type of them.
- Teleporter functional:
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Teleport
- Options:
- Pick and move sim to the current household - Select any sim and add them to the current family! Will change household of the sim to the current household.
- Teleport sim near active sim - will teleport selected sim to your sim.
- Relations functional:
- Section: ArtUrlWWW - Relations
- Options:
- Remove all friendly and romantic relations for this sim
- Remove all (including family) relations for this sim
- Marry current sim with another (selected) sim - will make selected sim a spouse for current (that you are currently playing) sim. This option supports polygamy - just marry active sim with another sim, that already married and you will receive a 'Couple' with 3 sims! Such polygamy families will also able to have children. Note - if you will marry sims, that are siblings, you will not be able to have Try For Baby and WooHoo, it still not codded yet.
- Change romantic relations
- Change friendship relations
- Divorce
- Change parents - This option will allow you to change parents. You can set Father or Mother for sim with this option.
- Other functional:
- This mod contains embedded anticensor (Anti Mosaic functional).
- PMM also allows you to change outfit to nude for all ages.
- Commands:
- Add Buffs for active sim: pmm.buffs.add
- Remove all Buffs and Moodlets from active sim: pmm.buffs.remove.all
- Switch on/off auto change of pregnancy moods:
- Change time period for auto switching between pregnancy moods:
- Add pregnancy moods: pmm.buffs.add.pregnancy.moods
- Set Voice Pitch: pmm.cas.set_voice_pitch
- CAS Copy / paste: pmm.cas.copy_paste
- Set Sim Voice: pmm.cas.set_voice_type
- Change sim modifiers: pmm.cas.change_sim_modifiers
- Set walk style for sim: pmm.cas.set_walk_style
- Edit active sim in CAS, in edit Full Edit Mode: pmm.cas.edit_sim
- Change Careers For Current Sim:
- pmm.cas.change_sim_traits that is similar to option ArtUrlWWW -> CAS -> Сменить черты характера... (possible English translation could be something like 'Change character traits')
- pmm.veterinar.increase_points that is similar to option ArtURLWWW -> Veterinar -> Increase points
PMM is on GitLab now - . Any changes and pull requests are welcome!
You need to remove old files like:

Strawberries and Pop music (one, the other, or both) seem to lead to more baby girls.
Carrots and Alternative music seem to lead to more baby boys.
Sims 4 Realistic Pregnancy Mod
- ArtUrlWWW - adaptation plugin up to latest version, bug fixes and new functional.
- scumbumbo - creator of original base mod (version 4, outdated, contains not all functional, that this mod has). Thanks to scumbumbo for 'false pregnancies' fix and for nice game logic tutorial, that scumbumbo wrote for me.
- Nicy Havem for thorough testing of the pregnancy duration option of the mod.
- KuriXarya for the Russian translation
- Nicy Havem and Jevi for the German translation
- Eámanë for ITA_IT translation
- java7nerd for the Pregnancy Scan and Reseed, ideas for improvements, and testing
- Velocitygrass for the Sims4XmlExtractor
- Kuree and all the others at Sims4Group who have put together the S4PE tool
- egureh for the Chinese translation
- jor for the Brazilian Portuguese translation
- tonttuli for the Finnish translation
- Tracas for the Spanish translation
- Princemajik also covers the manual install process in a mod review on YouTube. Although this video is for the SimLotto mod, the same technique is used for this mod.
Bug fix release for TS4 Update
- change Sim Traits functional
- functional that saves Period of AutoSave
- all options of CAS -> Copy/Paste submenus
- all of Careers functional
- Life - Kill selected sim
- All of Teleport functional
I want to say 'Thank you :) !' for letting me know about bugs to these people:

- kayla h.
- Юля С.
- Christina K.
- Adnan H.
Tutorial - How to install The Sims 4 Pregnancy Mega Mod
Bug fix release for TS4 Update
- change Sim Traits functional
- functional that saves Period of AutoSave
- all options of CAS -> Copy/Paste submenus
- all of Careers functional
- Life - Kill selected sim
- All of Teleport functional
I want to say 'Thank you :) !' for letting me know about bugs to these people:
- kayla h.
- Юля С.
- Christina K.
- Adnan H.
Tutorial - How to install The Sims 4 Pregnancy Mega Mod
You must be 18+ to view this content
WickedWhims may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Supported Game Versions:
1.66.139, 1.67.45, 1.68.156, 1.69.57
Looking for the Legacy Edition version? Click here.
December 11th 2020
Update Patch Notes
(DOWNLOAD is located at the bottom of this page)
Care to support the development? Check my Patreon page.

What is WickedWhims?
WickedWhims is a mod that offers animated sex, nudity interactions, exhibitionism interactions, relationship enhancements and gameplay improvements.
Do you want your Sims to have sex? Do you want to try naturism or flash your neighbors? Try WickedWhims!
New custom interactions, custom mechanics, custom skills, custom traits, custom moodlets, custom whims, custom objects, custom animations, custom reactions, nudity autonomy, sex autonomy, custom story progression and enhancements to existing gameplay.
- Features -
Mod Sims 4 Tumblr

- Animated Sex
- Get on a bed, or a sofa, or the floor, or anywhere you want and get freaky with your partner
- Invite more Sims and ask them to join in to create an unforgettable orgy
- Download and experience over 7000+ animations from various creators with support for visual effects and custom props or animate yourself
- Tag favorite animations and create your own animations playlists
- Undressing & Strapon
- Control Sims outfit during sex by undressing their top, bottom, underwear, or any individual part of their outfit
- Apply or remove a strapon from any Sim when the situation requires it
- Autonomy
- Encounter Sims having sex by their own will, affected by their interactions, relations, situation, location and personality.
- Supported by stupidly complex recognition system of environment structure that picks the best fitting location for sex based on the current most fitting situation
- Apply the 'Hypersexual' Lot Trait to any location to increase the base sex autonomy frequency and chance
- Use the Sex Autonomy Signs available in Build/Buy to adjust rules of sex per room or per lot
- Cum
- See layers of cum on Sim’s bodies after sex or manually apply them during sex whenever you want and wherever you want
- Avoid negative (or positive) reactions to cum on your face by cleaning it off in a sink or by showering
- Get the 'Cum Slut' Attribute trait to make your Sim always react to cum positively
- Diseases
- Activities
- Turn your computer on and watch some good old porn to release the pressure
- If you’re into watching others, get on in there and watch as much as you like
- Consider purchasing the 'Cuckold/Cuckquean' Attribute trait to make our Sim enjoy watching their partners have sex with others
- User Vampire powers to get Sims into kinky situations
- Pregnancy
- Watch Sims experience the magic of a fully-featured Menstrual Cycle with periods and variable fertility
- Purchase tampons and pads to fight against the menstrual bleeding and get the 'Extra Absorbency' Reward Store trait to improve their absorbency
- Learn about your fertility by purchasing the Fertility Awareness Test available to use on toilets
- Consider going through the Fertility Treatment service to improve your chances of getting pregnant
- Avoid getting pregnant by using condoms and birth control pills
- Stop your unwanted pregnancy by using the Pregnancy Termination service
- Optionally switch to the Simple Pregnancy Mode and use flat percentage chances for pregnancy
- Encounter optional miscarriage from taking drugs (requires Basemental Drugs)
- NPC Sims
- Enable the cheat to control any Sim in the game and make them have sex, like a true puppet master
- Clubs (Get Together Expansion)
- Create a club that’s all about having sex, or make an alternative variant of it that’s all about swinging
- Relationships
- When attempting sexual intercourse, respect Sims relations based on the friendship level and romance level, desire level, mood, moodlets, skills, traits, hygiene, attractiveness, relationship status and current situation
- Learn about 40 flavors of Sims satisfaction from sex based on their relationship, mood, hygiene, energy, traits, skills, moodlets and situation
- For easy mode, purchase the 'Sexually Alluring' Reward Store trait make asked Sims always agree to sex propositions
- To avoid sex, purchase the 'Sexually Abstinent' Attribute trait to make your Sim never agree to sex propositions
- Reactions
- React to sex with 16 different flavors of responses based on the mood, traits, relationship, situation, and family relations
- Get jealous in 6 different flavors from encountering your partner in the act with someone else (respects the 'Player' and 'Polyamorous' traits)
- Enjoy integration with Basemental Drugs mod drug dealing component
- Naked Body, Penis & Hair
- Fully detailed naked body for all genders
- Support for independent creators to add their own body content
- Nudity & Undressing
- Undress everything at once or one by one - top, bottom, shoes, and underwear
- Socialize by complimenting others body, talking about nudity, convincing to nudity and converting to exhibitionism, or simply asking to undress… or dress up
- Affect Sims with Vampire powers and get them naked in an instant
- Apply the 'Nudist' Lot Trait to any location and removes all undressing restrictions
- Use the Nudity Autonomy Signs available in Build/Buy to adjust rules of undressing per room or per lot
- Naturism
- Discover the skill of Naturism by undressing and learn how to be comfortable and happy naked around others
- Gain a bonus to hygiene when performing tasks naked
- Exhibitionism
- Unlock the Exhibitionism skill by leveling up Naturism and purchasing the 'Exhibitionism' Store Reward trait
- Gain the ability to flash others, streak at any moment, or pee at any spot you want
- Underwear
- Change Sim underwear for any base outfit
- Remove underwear per Sim, disable underwear for everybody in setting, or purchase the ‘No Underwear’ Attribute trait to get rid of extra layers of clothing
- Strip Club
- Open an entirely new and fully playable business type
- Build, hire staff, and manage your own Strip Club
- Window Peeping
- Peep into any window to watch naked Sims or Sims having sex
- Take pictures of naked Sims and sell them online
- Encounter premade peeping Sims living in your neighborhood and trying to catch you naked
- Sweating
- Watch Sims get all sweaty from working out or having sex
- Occurrences
- Experience various outfit specific interactions that can be performed naked, like yoga, massages, exercises, sleeping, etc.
- Watch out when jumping into the water, swimwear accidents include losing your swim trunks
- Try not to daydream too much during showering, you might forget to put your towel on afterward
- Autonomous undressing from anybody who just feels like getting naked is the right thing to do
- Reactions
- Get positively or negatively shocked from encountering nudity
- Let others Ignore your Sim’s privacy when nudity is the norm at your place
- Clubs (Get Together Expansion)
- Create a club where you Embrace Nudity to others or Flash everybody
- Attractiveness
- Live in a world where every Sim has their own style and preferences that affect everybody else
- Refine your own style and define your own preferences
- Encounter storytelling situations that make your Sims heart beat faster
- Learn what others are into and try to impress them with your looks
- Impressions
- Learn Sims personality archetypes and share your unique view on the world
- Use your new special social interactions to voice your personality preference
- Fake your personality to make others like you more or risk looking like a poser
- Polygamy/Polyamory Relationships
- Have multiple spouses or romantic partners at the same time
- Purchase the 'Polyamorous' Attribute trait to open up your Sim’s view on multiple romantic partners and avoid unwanted jealousy
- Get multiple Sims to 'Stay the Night’ at the same time
- Ability to disable jealousy in the entire game
- Desire
- Make the atmosphere hot and heavy by flirting and getting nude
- Get Sims ready for positive sexy time by increasing desire
- Installation -
- Check out the Manual Installation page.
- Check out the Animations Installation page.
- Check out the Common Mistakes page.
- Required Mods -
Sex animations available under 'Additional Mods' are required for more sex positions!
No additional mods are required to use all available functionalities of WickedWhims.

- Additional Mods & Sex Animations -
Looking for more sex animations, extra body mods, special objects, community made translations, and more?
Check out this page.
- Tutorials -
Miscarriage Abortion Mod Sims 4
Animation Tutorials
Other Tutorials
Updated | 1 day ago |
Status | Released |
Category | Game mod |
Average session | Days or more |
Sims 4 Baby Shower Mod
Development log
Sims 4 Miscarriage Cheat
- Update - WickedWhims v162a2 days ago
- Menstrual Cycle82 days ago
- Creating WickedWhims Strip Club Animation XML FileAug 13, 2020
- Update - WickedWhims v155jMay 11, 2020